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Zambia, like many other African Countries, is faced with serious challenges. These range from high poverty levels with over 60% living in abject poverty, health issues and environmental challenges. Even though young people account for a large portion of the most at risk groups, they are also the key drivers to change, that’s why Zambian Network for Youth Organisations (ZANEYO) supports and empowers Youth Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s) to participate fully in all development challenges and bring a positive change around.


Youth CSO’s are known for their ambition and drive but are often challenged by lack of experience, knowlegde and capacity to bring their objectives to optimal realization. Regardless of the topics they work on they have many questions in common, including:  how to support organisational development, access up-to-date information and  how to ensure successful management or financial issues. At the moment much energy and ideas are lost because of lack of access to, and inefficient use of resources.


Besides that, the above also accounts for a scatterd voice, resulting in inadequate participation in Good Governance issues, stating the causes of the Youth.


“NGO’s tend to fight each other more than  they should benefit from each others capacities, I think there is a great need for this"     

Member organization


Who are we?

The Zambian Network of Youth Organizations (ZANEYO) is a young and ambitious networking and coordination platform for Youth CSO’s in Zambia. We currently have 25 member organizations in 10 provinces, representing over 100,000 youths. The network’s main focus is to empower youth by maximizing membership efficiency by facilitating capacity building for effective service delivery by youth CSO’s and enhanced management of their organization. We do this by growing our membership base, interlinking the members, linking them to experts from corporate and other (non) governmental organizations and linking them to new concepts for development. We do this using online and mobile facilities whenever possible.


Besides that ZANEYO facilitates joint policy advocacy and engagement thus creating a platform to collect and voice youth perspective in formulating and implementing sound public policies


Vision: “A society where youths participate fully in all sectors of development in Zambia”


Mission: “To sustainably connect and empower youth organizations in order to maximize the success of their developmental initiatives” 


Principles we believe in:


Our role is to facilitate.

We believe that as an NGO it is our duty to do the above in such a sustainable manner that the platform is adding value to youth and national development by nature; therefore it runs itself with only facilitating input from our side.


Practice what you preach.

With all the activities we do, we source sustainably. Whenever possible, we select young (start-up) companies to be our suppliers and we employ young people as interns and volunteers in order for them to get relevant work experience. And last but not least, we allow external auditors to review our results and all our activities are transparent to our members


Sustainability is key.

That is why we promote economical empowerment (for instance through entrepreneurship) and implementation by the people who it concerns.


Want to know more about us or join or network? Please contact us for more information or check our website:





© 2013 by Focus Innovations Ltd on behalf of ZANEYO@photoexpozambia info:

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