Youth PhotoExpo Zambia

Contrast is the difference between the darkest parts of your picture and the lightest. No wonder wedding photography is an art in itself, because we need to make sure that both the groom dressed in black looks good, as well as the bride, dressed in white!
No matter how clever camera's are today, your eyes are much more sensitive than the camera, so when you look at a scene you probably can still see nuances in both dark and light parts of the scene, but your camera will get confused and has difficulty choosing the right amount of light. Sometimes this results in the dark parts being lighted well, but the light parts being overexposed. Or the other way around: the lighter parts are well exposed but the darker parts are too dark. That's when you have to step in and decide what you think is more important, try a different composition or use alternative light sources like a (seperate) flash or reflector.