Youth PhotoExpo Zambia

Aperture, Shutter speed ISO are the three main components in photography, also referred to as the “exposure triangle”. They go together like the three musketeers and together make sure you get the right amount of light on your sensor.
The sensor is where the actual “writing” of the picture happens. In analogue camera’s this is the film. But what do we actually mean when we talk of ‘the right amount of light’? Let’s have a closer look.
The amount of light your let into your lens makes a great difference to the result.
The conditions are exactly the same only teh first picture iis very light and without some of the nuances in the white parts that you can still see in the second picture. We call this “over-exposed”. Holding back too much light results in a too dark a picture, again loosing nuances, but this time in the darker parts of the picture. We call this “underexposed”
Exposure Triangle